Jumat, 25 November 2016

surat untuk sepuluh tahun kedepan

Pontianak, 25 november 2016

From: Old friend

Hello how are you fahmi now? How are you with the job you have now? easy to hope you are always given the same Almighty God health. Oh yeah I forgot to say hello Yes make you family in the village, since we graduated College we have never meet again Yes now. I miss with all of us. Now you work where? I hope that we all get a job and was living with better don't be pretentious Yes, remember our first ever live fahmi miserable and life for what it is.
and don't forget to both parents who are struggling to revamp the fate you to becoming an educated person and the success it is today. Now you would have been able to start his own life and did not expect the grant of a parent you again.
Fahmi, now you have success never pretentious Yes, don't be proud of what you've got because all of it is just temporary. and hopefully you are beneficial to keuarga and the surrounding communities. Amen .... see you fahmi

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