Jumat, 25 November 2016

surat untuk sepuluh tahun kedepan

Pontianak, 25 november 2016

From: Old friend

Hello how are you fahmi now? How are you with the job you have now? easy to hope you are always given the same Almighty God health. Oh yeah I forgot to say hello Yes make you family in the village, since we graduated College we have never meet again Yes now. I miss with all of us. Now you work where? I hope that we all get a job and was living with better don't be pretentious Yes, remember our first ever live fahmi miserable and life for what it is.
and don't forget to both parents who are struggling to revamp the fate you to becoming an educated person and the success it is today. Now you would have been able to start his own life and did not expect the grant of a parent you again.
Fahmi, now you have success never pretentious Yes, don't be proud of what you've got because all of it is just temporary. and hopefully you are beneficial to keuarga and the surrounding communities. Amen .... see you fahmi

Rabu, 23 November 2016

Warn Up !!!

1.What websites do you use to find information ?which are the best ? Why ?
Sandy: "ewid, what are you doing?"
Ewid: "I'm looking for information on google !!
Fahmi: "What information are you reading ??
Dhika: "Why should google ??
Ewid: "Because the information is complete and accurate in google !!
Sandy: "It is not only the only information that we can get on google, but also learning !!
Dhika: "Then I also want to try
Fahmi: "I also often looking for information on google about Task campus !!

2.Does your school or teacher have any rules about using such sites
Sandy: "What's on our campus allow students to perform tasks using google?
Dhika: "As far as I am okay, as long as the sites open positive
Ewid: "I have not heard a regulation that prohibited the students do the work using google
Fahmi: "Absolutely, I've never heard of
Ewid: "And not all tasks have to be done using google
Sandy: "It is also true
Fahmi: "We must be smart use technology in their studies
Dhika: "I agree with fahmi.
3.What Are The Differences between online information and information from libraries or Encyclopedia ?
Fahmi: "According to my information on the Internet is easy, because it does not make us to bother.
Dhika: "No, I think in the library is more complete because his books very much and a lot of source
Ewid: "Well, I think the same, either in the library or on the internet information equally complete
Sandy: "I agree
Fahmi: "But it is more practical if the internet
Ewid: "Yeah well
Dhika: "but if it is clear the library resources
Sandy: "Sip ..

Sabtu, 19 November 2016


                                                               CLIVE THOMPSON
Leave The Driving to Us
Machines can make decisions. That doesn’t mean they’re right.
            So you can’t wait for a self-driving car to take away the drudgery of driving? Me neither! But consider this scenario, recently posed by neuroscientist Gary Marcus : your car is on a narrow bridge when a school bus veers into your lane. Should your self-driving car plunge off the bridge-sacrificing your life t save those of the children? Obviously, you won’t make the call. You’ve ceded that decision to the car’s algorithms. You better hope that you agree with its choice. This is a dramatic dilemma, to be sure. But it’s not a completely unusual one. The truth is, our tools increasingly guide and shape our behavior or even make decisions on our behalf. A small but growing chorus of writers and scholars think we’re going too far. By taking human decisionmaking out of the equation, we’re slowly stripping away deliberation-moments where we reflect on the morality of our actions.
                Not all of these situations are so life-and-death. Some are quite prosaic, like the welter of new gadgets that try to “nudge” us into better behavior. In his new book To Save Everything, Click Here, Evgency Morozov casts a skeptical eye on this stuff. He tells me about a recent example he’s seen : a “smart fork” that monitors how much you’re eating and warns you if you’re overdoing it.
                Fun and useful, you might argue. But for Morozov, tools like the fork reduce your incentive to think about how you’re eating, and the deeper political questions of why todays food ecosystem is so enfattening. “Instead of regulating the food industry to make food healthier,” Morozov says, “we’re giving people smart forks”.
                Or as Evan Selinger, a philosopher at Rochester intitute of technology, puts it, tools that make hard thing easy can make us less likely to tolerate things that are hard. Outsourcing our self-control to “digital power” has consequences: use siri constantly to get instant information and you can erode your ability to be patient in the face of complete answers, a crucial civic virtue.
                Things get even dicier when society at large outsources its biggest moraldecisios to technology. For example, some police departments have begu using PredPol, a system that mines crime data to predict future criminal activity, guiding police to areas they might otherwise overlook. It appears to work, cutting some crime by up to 27 percent. It lets chronically underfunded departments do more wvth less.

                But as Morozov points out, the algorithms could wind up amplifying flaws in existing law enforcement. For example , sexual violence is historically underreported, so it can’t as easily be predicted. Remove the deliberation of what police focus on and you can wind up deforming policing.

Rabu, 16 November 2016

lugu yang disukai saat karaoke

NIM: C1051161013

        Hai friends meet again with me in posting that to seven, the theme of favorite songs when karaoke. When I karaoke I prefer singing piterpan entitled maybe later. the reason I love the song is because the song to me is very motivating for me, everytime I want to karaoke definitely I singing it for the song as well if I think the song was heard and Sung very tasty.
        If the moment karaoke I did love to sing the songs perterpan because these songs are sung very comfortable and easy listening. In addition to singing songs peterpan actually I also love songs D'Masive but I prefer songs peterpan because his songs are sung is very convenient.
I'm sure out there may also be many more love songs from peterpan instead of just me. In addition I like my Peter Pan songs it also vans with members of peterpan.
        OK so yes the story from me I guess enough for friends and hopefully entertaining listen, friends all. see you again next post dipertemuan ya friends. Thanks....!

Kamis, 10 November 2016

peejalanan yang saya suka

NIM: C1051161013
       Hai friends meet again with me a dipostingan to 6. Here we are commanded to make posts that are themed on the journey that we like. OK here I'll tell you about my trip when I climb the Hill siau. the Hill is located in my hometown inii. time taken from my house to the plateaus of siau this is around 30 minutes. and the time taken when you climb this Hill about a half an hour.
      I used to climb this Hill because of the activities of my school. the Hill is a Hill this siau highs that are in my hometown travel from the foothills up to the top that is very challenging because there are many roots of trees and boulders that prevent so at the time of the ascent should be extremely careful.
     There are also a lot of bukitini in the cave that is interesting to look at, but from the Cave some hanyya I have ever seen and actually it was very fascinated me and my friends. so if going over there will not make bored what else make that like a challenge.
times used to be this very Hill purportedly haunted many of the stories of old people in antiquity this hill there is a Lake at the Summit where there are in the Lake of the fairies, and the many strange stories that happened to dibukit it but I don't believe it because I have not witnessed or seen with my own eyes.
      OK maybe this is my story for me is so much fun, make friends who want to feel like this trip I guess be lah ya because it's very fun friends. so up here first Yes hopefully we can meet again in the next post. Thank you!!!!